"Les derniers rois indo-grecs: une autre hypothèse", Histoire et Cultes de l'Asie Centrale pré-islamique, Paris, 22-28 November 1988, UNESCO, Paris.
"Was Sagala Menander's Capital?", Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, 2-7 July 1989, Paris.
"Les relations commerciales entre Rome et Sri Lanka, d'après les données numismatiques", Annual colloquium of the Association of French University Professors in Ancient History, University of Nantes, 24-26 May 1991, Nantes.
"Imitations d'Eucratide I", Samarkand et la Sogdiane dans l'antiquité et le moyen âge, 22 -25 June 1992, UNESCO, Paris.
"Sea ports, inland emporia and Maritime communities in Ancient Sri Lanka”, Seafaring Communities in the Indian Ocean, Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, 1-5 July 1996, Lyon.
"Production monétaire en Asie Cenrale", Matériaux pour l’histoire économique du monde iranien, 15-17 September 1997, Strasbourg.
"Recent discoveries of Hellenistic sculptures from Central Asia", L’Art et l’archéologie des monastères gréco-bouddhiques du Nord-ouest de l’Inde et de l’Asie Centrale, 17-18 March 2000, Palais universitaire, Strasbourg.
"Question of dispersion of patrimonies. The case of Afghanistan and Pakistan, what is to be done”, L’Avenir des musées, 23-25 March 2000, Louvre Museum, Paris.
"Les données numismatiques et archéologiques sur la datation de Begram”, Begram et les routes commerciales, Maison de l’Orient Méditerranéen, 24-25 November 2000, Lyon.
"Le pillage”, Patrimoine d’Asie Centrale, UNESCO, 2 Mach 2001, Paris.
"Armes et armures des Indo-Scythes d’après leurs émissions monétaires et les données archéologiques”, Élites guerrières III, Le Musée des Antiquités nationales, 10-11 May 2001, Saint Germain en Laye.
"New Archaeological evidence on cultural and commercial relationships between Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu”, 16th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, 2-6 July 2001, Collège de France, Paris.
"Sauvegarder le patrimoine: les musées de l’Afghanistan”, Pourquoi acquérir 26-27 October 2002, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
"Welcome adress”, Afghanistan, Meeting Point between East and West, , 5-9 May 2003, Archaeological Museum Henri-Prades, Lattes, Montpellier.
"La politique économique de la Bactriane sous les Séleucides d’après le monnayage”, Le roi et l’économie. Autonomies locales et structures royales dans l’économie de l’empire séleucide, 29-30 January 2004, Université d’Orléans and Centre Ernest Babelon, Orléans.
"L’aménagement des espaces. Jardins anciens du Sri Lanka”, La question de l’art en Asie, 19-21 February 2004, CRÉOPS-Sorbonne-Paris IV, Paris.
"Relations culturelles et commerciales entre Tamil Nadu et Sri Lanka”, Journée d’étude: Épigraphie tamoule: sources historiques et perspective pluridisciplinaire, 9 April 2005, E.P.H.E.-Sorbonne, Paris.
"Données épigraphiques et commerce entre Tamil Nadu et Sri Lanka”, Deuxième symposium international épigraphie tamoule: Sources historiques et perspective pluridisciplinaire, 2-3 June 2006, É.N.S. & E.P.H.E.-Sorbonne, Paris.
"Alfred Foucher et les études numismatiques en Afghanistan”, Colloque en hommage à Alfred Foucher “Bouddhismes d’Asie: Monuments et littératures, 14 December 2007, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Paris.
"Avalokiteshvara-Padmapani dans l’art bouddhique du Gandhâra: nouvelles données”, Journée d’étude: Autours de Bâmiyân. Essor et diffusion de la culture gréco-bactrienne, 19-20 June 2008, Maison interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme d’Alsace (MISHA), Strasbourg.
"Nouvelles données numismatiques sur les successeurs grecs et kouchans d’Alexandre le Grand”, Rencontres interculturelles dans l’Orient hellénisé, Colloque international UNESCO, 28-30 September 2009, UNESCO, Paris.
"Sri Lanka: a land of multicultural exchanges”, ASPAC Round Table on The Role of the Silk Road in the Rapprochement of Cultures, 20 April 2011, UNESCO, Paris.
"Nouvelles données sur l’histoire ancienne de l’Inde”, Patrimoine de l’Inde: perspectives de recherche, 9-10 May 2011, INHA, Paris.
"Buddhism as revealed by figurative art in Gandhara (North-West Pakistan) reflecting regional cross-cultural elements”, The Contribution of the Buddha’s Teachings to Universality, Humanism and peace, 20 May 2011, UNESCO, Paris.
"Godavaya Shipwreck: oldest shipwreck so far attested in the Indian Ocean”, 21st International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeologists, 2-6 July 2012, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
“Les Cercles de collectionneurs et de numismates dans la région de Pékin au XIXe siècle …”, with Lyce Jankowsky, De Mâitre à l’élève. Vingt ans de recherches sur l’art et l’archéologie de l’Extrême-Orient à Paris-Sorbonne, Colloque à la mémoire de Flora Blanchon, 24 May 2013, INHA, Paris.
“Francine Tissot, notre mère spirituelle”, Colloque en honneur de Francine Tissot, June 8 2013, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris.
“Alexandre le Grand et les portraits monétaires des souverains indo-grecs”, Images du pouvoir. Le portait grec et son utilisation dans le monde antique, 2 & 3 October, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris.
"Nouvelles données sur les échanges commerciaux entre les mondes romain et indien: la découverte de l'épave du deuxième siècle avant notre ère à Godavaya, Sri Lanka", L’Origine des grenats du haut moyen âge. Echanges entre le subcontinent Indien et l’Europe du Ve au VIIIè sicles, 22 & 23 June, 2017, Musée du Louvre, Paris.
"La transmission des motifs gandhariens le long de la route de la soie", Journée d’études : « Autour de la route de la soie : Actualité de la recherche » 25 March, 2019, Ecole Normale Supérieure.
"De Sūrya indien à Mithra-Hélios : Transmission des images dans l’espace et dans le temps", L’Inde et l’Asie centrale au 1er millénaire, Collège de France, 5 & 6 June, 2019.
"Émergence des images de Viṣṇu en Inde d’après les données numismatiques et sculpturales", Journée d’études : Sur les mondes grecs et indien d’Alexandre le Grand à Kanishka, Université de Strasbourg, 8 April, 2021.
“Édition textuelle et iconographique du Lalitavistara : le cas de l’épisode de la première méditation de Siddhārtha Gautama", Restructurations religieuses. Transformations internes et interactions externes, Colloque inaugural de l’Institut Thématique Interdisciplinaire d’histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des religions, Université de Strasbourg, 9-11 June 2021.
"Émergence des images de Viṣṇu en Inde d’après les données numismatiques et sculpturales", Journée d’études : Sur les mondes grecs et indien d’Alexandre le Grand à Kanishka, Université de Strasbourg, 8 April, 2021.
“Édition textuelle et iconographique du Lalitavistara : le cas de l’épisode de la première méditation de Siddhārtha Gautama", Restructurations religieuses. Transformations internes et interactions externes, Colloque inaugural de l’Institut Thématique Interdisciplinaire d’histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des religions, Université de Strasbourg, 9-11 June 2021.
“La période sombre (1979-2003), lorsque la DAFA a suspendu ses activités", Centenaire de la D.A.F.A. Un siècle de coopération archéologique franco-afghane, Université de Strasbourg, 20-21 September 2022.
"La tutelle et la monnaie : archéologues et numismates au service de la recherche française en Afghanistan”, with Olivier Bordeaux, Colloque Centenaire de la Délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan (DAFA), 2 December 2022, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Paris.
« Du Grand Départ à l’Éveil du Bouddha Gautama », Journée d'étude La dernière vie du Bouddha, Collection Adhémard Leclère, Musée des Beaux-arts et de la dentelle d'Alençon, Octobre 15, 2022.
« Les Jātaka bouddhiques : Composition, transmission et diffusion artistique », Colloque international Barlaam et Josaphat dans l’histoire des religions, Université de Strasbourg, 23-24 mai 2023.
« Manuscrits sur ôles ou feuilles de palmier au Sri Lanka : les traditions et la fabrication », Les religions asiatiques et supports d’écriture, Rencontre avranchinaise, Avranches, 3 juin 2023.
“The Life of the Buddha as depicted on the Sāñcī Stūpa: Distinct Visual Narratives in the Absence of written Textual Sources: Seven Weeks after his Enlightenment and Twin Miracle” International colloquium Sacred texts and iconographies relating the life of the Buddha. Contradictions and confusions, 11 & 12 June, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des régions / HiSSAAR, University of Strasbourg.
“Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as protector of seafarers: Results of the Avalokiteśvara survey project in Sri Lanka,” International colloquium A Study of the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as protector of seafarers : Mahāyāna Buddhism in Sri Lanka in relation to maritime trade in the Indian Ocean,, June13, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des régions / HiSSAAR, University of Strasbourg.
“Critères de catalogage des monnaies anciennes: le ca des monnaies indo-grecques en Inde,” Workshop Des manuscrits anciens à l’élaboration des éditions critiques, November 27, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des régions / HiSSAAR, University of Strasbourg.
“A propos de quelques monnaies de l’Inde ancienne conservées à la Bnu de Strasbourg,” Workshop Des manuscrits anciens à l’élaboration des éditions critiques, November 28, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des régions / HiSSAAR, University of Strasbourg and National and university library of Strasbourg.
Sri Lanka
Archaeological Department (Colombo) 1983, 1984, 1990-1997.
National Museum (Colombo), from 1983, 1984, 1990-1994.
Central Cultural Fund, Sigiriya Project, 1985, 1990, Jetavanarama Project, 1993-94, Abhayagiriya Project, 1992-1994,
Excavations at Ridiyagama, July-August 1995; July-August 1996; Kelaniya July-August 1997; Pandirendawa from July-August 1998 to January 2004 under the Joint project: French Mission of Archaeological Co-operation & Archaeological Department.
Database of the collection in the Archaeological Museum of Anuradhapura, July-August 2008.
Database of the collection in the Archaeological Museum of Yatala (Tissamaharama), July-August 2009.
Underwater excavations at Godavaya shipwreck, December 2010, December 2011.
"Seafaring in the Indian Ocean: Archaeological Evidence from Sri Lanka", Techno-Archaeological Perspectives of Seafaring in the Indian Ocean (4th century B.C. to 15th century AD), 28 February - 3 March 1994, NISTADS, New Delhi.
“New numismatic and epigraphic evidence on the maritime trade between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka”, Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka: New evidence on maritime and inland trade, Tamil Nadu Numismatic Society and C.N.R.S, 1-2 January 2004, Madras.
“New epigraphical evidence on Alexander’s Successors in India”, Re-visiting early India through epigraphical and other texts. A tribute to Prof. D.C. Sircar, 7-8 January 2007, University of Calcutta.
“Chronology of the first Kushan kings: new evidence”, Kushan Glory & its Contemporary Challenges, 3-5 October 2008, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
“New evidence on international trade in the Indian Ocean based on recent archaeological excavations in Sri Lanka”, The Ports of the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea to the Gulf of Bengal, 23–27 February 2011, Rabindranath Tagore Centre, ICCR, Kolkata. With Dr. Nimal Perera.
“Recent archaeological evidence on the maritime trade in the Indian Ocean: Shipwreck at Godavaya”, The Ports of the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea to the Gulf of Bengal, 23–27 February 2011, Rabindranath Tagore Centre, ICCR, Kolkata. With Dr. Senarath Disanayaka.
“Sri Lanka and the maritime trade; the impact of the role of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as the protector of mariners”, Asian Encounters: Networks of Cultural Interactions, 31 October – 4 November, 2011, Delhi University & India Internatioanl Centre, New Delhi.
“Emergence of Viṣṇu Iconography in Gandhāra: Numismatic and Sculptural Evidence” Iconography of the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Jains, C.P.R. Institute of Indological Research, 8-9 January, 2016.
“Amarāvatī - Nāgārjunakoṇḍa, Śrī Laṅkā and Burma: Texts and iconographies in a cross fertilized context”, From Vijayapurī to Śrīkṣetra? The beginnings of Buddhist exchange across the Bay of Bengal, EFEO, Pondicherry, 1-5 August 2017.
“The heavily armoured equestrian warriors on Indo-Scythian coins: Numismatic and sculptural evidence” Keynote, ‘Early India: New Insight through Epigraphic and Numismatic Evidences’ Indian Museum of Kolkata.14 February 2023.
“Achaemenid Presence in India through Numismatic and Visual Arts” Keynote, International Seminar on Early India through Multiple Lenses, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math, Howrah, February, 11 – 12 February 2023.
“The Study of Ancient Indian History through Numismatics” International Seminar: Studying History: Perspectives and Sources, Department of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 23 - 24 February 2023.
“Why coins are so important in constructing India's ancient history: The case of Greek kings in India” International Seminar on Money, Monetization and Monetary History, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 26 -28th of February 2023.
"New numismatic evidence on Sogdian Independence", Sogdian Cultures, 22-30 October 1990, Institute of Archaeology, Samarkand.
"Organization of Mint Cities in Bactria and India", XIth International Numismatic Congress, 8 - 12 September 1991, Brussels.
“The Birth of Bodhisattva Siddhārtha’s son Rāhula: From Divergent Textual Sources to Distinct Visual Narratives,” Diverse Lives: Narratives of Śākyamuni Buddha in Text and Image, 17-19 October 2024, University of Ghent & Royal Museum of Mariemont, Mariemont.
"The Posthumous Coinage of Hermaios and the conquest of Gandhara by the Kushans", Crossroads of Asia, 4-7 October 1992, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
"Nashten, a hitherto unknown Iranian ruler in India", Silk Road Coins and Culture, 2-3 April, 1993, British Museum, London
"Sea-borne and inland trade of ancient Sri Lanka: first results of the Sri Lanka French exploratory program", Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, 3-7 July 1995, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
"Archaeological evidence on shipping communities of ancient Sri Lanka", Ships and the Development of Maritime Technology across the Indian Ocean 15-16 May 1998, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford, University, Oxford.
"Mir Zakah, the largest coin deposit in the world and other discoveries from Afghanistan", Afghanistan: Melting Pot of Central Asia, 3 March, 2001, The British Museum, London.
"Nomad arms and armour", After Alexander: Central Asia before Islam, 23-25 June 2004, The British Academy, London.
"More questions and less answers: pre-Kushan chronology revisited", Indian Numismatics, Epigraphy and Archaeology. Recent Advances in Reconstructing the Past, 15-17 September, 2004, Worcester College, Oxford University, Oxford.
“Introduction to the panel on the chronology of Gandhâra”, 18th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, 4-8 July 2005, British Museum, London.
“Sculptures of Amaravati style from Tissamaharama: an appraisal of early Buddhist sculptures from Sri Lanka”, 18th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, 4-8 July 2005, British Museum, London.
“Geographic Information System related to the distribution patter of Avalokitesva images of Sri Lanka”, Power of Compassion: Paths of Transmission of Avalokitesvara Across Asia, 8 June 2012, SOAS & University of Virginia, University of London.
"Anuradhapura, royal capital of Sri Lanka: questions on urbanism", International Colloquium on ‘Royal Cities of the First Millennium’ 15 November 2013, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge.
“The Avalokiteśvara Survey Project: Buddhism and Maritime Trade in Ancient Sri Lanka”, 23rd International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, 4-8 July 2016, Cardiff University, Cardiff.
Nasten, a hitherto unknown Iranian ruler in India", Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, 5 - 9 July, 1993, University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
"Recent coin hoard evidence on pre-Kushana chronolgy", Weihrauch und Seide Münzen, Kust und Chronologie. Ein Symposium des Kunsthistorischen Museums der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Universitât, 11-13 April, 1996, Vienna.
"Indo-Parthians", Das Partherreich und seine Zeugnisse” 27-29 June 1996, Eutin.
"Some interesting pre-Kushan coins from recent hoards found in Afghanistan and Pakistan", XIIth International Numismatic Congress, 8-12 September 1997, The Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin.
"The portrait of Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic heritage in Central Asia”, Zwischen Ost und West – neue Forschungen zum antiken Zentralasien, Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium in Mannheim, 30 September-2 October 2009, Mannheim Museum, Mannheim.
“Artistic cross-fertilization of Sri Lankan art: Integration of local traditions with foreign identities in the creation of new forms of arts and beliefs” Textual and Visual Dialogues between Religions in South Asia, Das Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,Bochum, 9-10 July, 2015.
“The Buddha performing the ‘Twin Miracle’ creating the spatial cosmos," Kucha and Beyond: Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften (SAW); Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road, University of Leipzig; Societé Européenne pour l’Étude des Civilisations de l’Himalaya et de l’Asie, Centrale, 2-4 November, 2021, University of Leipzig.
“Avalokiteśvara, protector of Mariners”, Insights into the Archaeology and Art History of Sri Lanka, Universität Bonn, 17 November 2022. Bonn.
“From the Great Departure to the Awakening of Gautama Buddha”, Buddhist Narratives between Gandhara, Andhra and Kucha Multi-media approaches, Das Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, 21- 22 November, 2022.
“Digging up the past in search of eight sculptures from Minnēriya (Sri Lanka) considered to have disappeared representing gods and yakṣas of wealth,” 26th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeologists, 16-20 September 2024, Leipzig University, Leipzig.
"New evidence on ancient iron and glass smelting technology in Sri Lanka. Results of the excavations conducted by the Sri Lanka—French Archaeological Mission", 14th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, Rome, 7-11 July 1997, IsIAO, Rome.
"Circulation of Roman and Byzantine gold coins in Sri Lanka: fact or fiction", Dal Denarius al Dinar: l’Oriente e la Moneta Romana, 16-18 September 2004, Istituto Italiano di Numismatica & IsIAO, Rome.
“Recent discoveries of Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian coin hoards from Afghanistan and Pakistan", 15th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, 5-9 July 1999, University of Leiden, Leiden.
"Anuradhapura: the royal capital of Sri Lanka ", International Colloquium on ‘Patterns of Early Asian Urbanism Millennium’ IIAS, 11 -13 November 2013, IIAS, University of Leiden.
"New coin hoards and new overstrikes; the Indo-Greek chronology revisited", XIIIth International Numismatic Congress, Madrid, 15-18 September, 2003, Madrid.
“Aśvaghoṣa v/s Buddhaghosa. Contradictions in texts and iconography: The events related to the great departure of the Bodhisattva Siddhartha,” 25th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, 4-8 July, 2022, Barcelona.
"Central Asia and maritime trade: Archaeological evidence from Sri Lanka", The Silk Roads in Central Asia. Recent Research, 6 -7 December 1997, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley.
"The contribution of Greeks to art and culture of Bactria and India: New archaeological evidence”, On the cusp of an era: Art in the pre-Kushan world, 8-11 November 2000, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City.
"Destruction of Afghanistan’s cultural heritage: What is to be done?”, World Archaeological Congress, 22-26 June, 2003, Catholic University, Washington D.C.
"Alexander’s successors in India”, Pan-Macedonian Association, 26-30 June 2007, American Congress, INC USA, Washington D.C.
"Hindu deities on coins from Gandhara: new numismatic evidence”, A Pantheon Rediscovered: Changing Perceptions of Early Historic India” 18-20 April 2008, University of Yale. New Haven.
"Hellenism in Central Asia and its impact on Gandhâran Buddhist art", Recovering Afghanistan’s Past: Cultural Heritage in Context, 14-15 November 2008, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley.
"Centers and peripheries: Buddhism in ancient Sri Lanka and Gandhara and beyond ", Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies & International Convention of Asia Scholars, 31 March-3 April 2011, Honolulu.
“Mauryans and Achaemenids: numismatics and plastic arts”, Ancient through Modern India and Iran in the Longue Durée, The University of California, Irvine, April 20-22, 2012. tp:
“From royal Graeco-Bactrians to imperial Kuṣāns: The choice of iconography and language of their monetary issues in relation to diverse ethnic and religious populations in Central Asia and India”, Limits of Empire in Ancient Afghanistan: Rule and Resistance in the Hindu Kush, circa 600 BCE–650 CE, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, October 5-7, 2016.
“Indian Ocean trade through Buddhist iconographies” Across the High Seas. Cross-Cultural Encounters in the Indian Ocean Littoral, Tang Centre for Silk Road Studies Conference, Spring 2018, University of California, Berkeley, May 4-5, 2018.
“Greek Helios or Indian Surya? Evolution of the Sun God’s iconography from India to Bamiyan and Beyon”, Mithra, Buddha, and Mani Walk into a Desert …, Tang Centre for Silk Road Studies Conference, Spring 2019, University of California, Berkeley, May 3-4, 2019.
“Gods and Serpents of Wealth from Andhra to Sri Lanka: Kuvera and Nāgas”, Tree and Serpent: Early Buddhist Art in India and Its Global Reach, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, September 29-30, 2023.
"Le rôle de Sri Lanka dans les relations commerciales entre la Chine et l’empire romain", Comparaison des empires romain et chinois au temps des Quin et des han, 26-27 October 1999, Institut of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.
"New archaeological evidence on trade connected with Central Asia and North-West India", UNESCO International Symposium on Silk Roads 2002, 18-20 November 2002, Xi’An University, Xi’An.
"Vima Taktu and some observations on the chronology of the early Kushans", International Symposium on Ancient Coins and the Culture of the Silk Road, 5-7 December 2006, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai.
"Alexander the Great and the monetary portraits of Indo-Greek Sovereigns", Hellenistic Civilization and the Silk Road Thesis Proposal and Symposium, Nankai University, March 18-20, 2016.
“The Diffusion of Gandharan Motifs to Dunhuang via Bamiyan and Kizil” 2018 Dunhuang – Berkeley Seminar, Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, July 2-4, 2018.
"Les royaumes gréco-bactriens et leurs monnaies", L’Hellénisme en Orient et en Asie, Auditorium de l’institut français d’Athènes, 29 November, 2006, French Institute, Athens.
War Museum, Athens - “Dionysos and Heracles in Gandhāran Buddhist art in ancient India”, international seminar on From the Cosmopolitanism of Alexander the Great to the Present Day, 20 June 2023.
“Diffusion of Mahayanist Images and Implantation of Ports at River Mouths in Ancient Sri Lanka”, Maritime Buddhism, ECAI / PNC Joint Meetings, 19-21 October 2011, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Bangkok.
“Two important Andhra sculptures from in Sri Lanka” 22nd International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeologists, 30-06-4-07 2014, Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm.
Organisation of international colloquia
International colloquium at U.N.E.S.C.O. (Paris), 22-25 June, 1992, on "Samarkand et la Sogdiane dans l'antiquité et le moyen âge", under the patronage of CNRS & UNESCO.
International numismatic workshop with the participation of Sri Lankan, French and Indian numismatists in the Colombo National Museum, 25-27 August, 1993, under the patronage of the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka.
International numismatic workshop with the participation of Sri Lankan, French and British numismatists in the National Archives, Colombo, 8-10 September, 1994, under the patronage of the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka and the French Archaeological Mission in Sri Lanka.
International colloquium: “From Gallia to Taprobane. The archaeology of maritime trade”, with the participation of Sri Lankan, French, Italian and Dutch archaeologists at the Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, 5 & 6 September, 1996, under the patronage of the University of Peradeniya and the French Archaeological Mission in Sri Lanka.
International colloquium on: “Early Buddhist Art. Ganhdhara and Beyond”, with the participation of Sri Lankan, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Austrian, Pakistani, American, Canadian and British art historians, archaeologists, numismatists at the Mahaweli Centre, 4-7 September, 1998, under the patronage of the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka and the French Archaeological Mission in Sri Lanka.
International colloquium on: “Trade and Economy of Ancient Sri Lanka, India & South-East Asia: Archaeological and Literary Evidence”, 31 August and 1 September, 1999, at the Mahaweli Centre, Colombo. with the participation of archaeologists and scientists from France, Sri Lanka, India and Poland, under the patronage of the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka and the French Archaeological Mission in Sri Lanka.
International colloquium on: “Afghanistan, Meeting Point between East and West” with the participation of 70 archaeologists, numismatists, epigraphists and art historians of 14 countries: at the Archaeological Museum of Henri-Prades, Lattes (Montpellier), 5-9 May, 2003, under the patronage of C.N.R.S. and U.N.E.S.C.O.
International colloquium on: “Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka: New evidence on maritime and inland trade”, with the participation of 30 archaeologists, numismatists, epigraphists and art historians of 7 countries at the Tamil Nadu Numismatic Society, Madras 1-2 December 2004, under the patronage of CNRS and South Indian Numismatic Society.
Organiser of two panels, on the “Chronologie of the Gandhâra” and “Archaeology of Sri Lanka” at the 18th International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists), 4-8 July 2005, London.
Organiser of the International Round table discussion on “Medallion of Alexander the Great from the Mir Zakah deposit” held on 6 March, 2007 at École Normale Supérieure, Paris, with participation of French, American, British, Italian, Swiss and Dutch scholars.
Co-organiser of the International symposium at Ecole normale supérieure Paris, 8th June, 2013, on "Symposium in honour of Francine Tissot", under the patronage of CNRS-ENS.
organiser of the International symposium at Hotel Sigiriya, 9-11 August, 2013, on " Maritime Trade and Cultural Exchanges in the Indian Ocean” under the patronage of CNRS-ENS, University of California at Berkeley and Department of Archaeology (Sri Lanka).
organiser of the International symposium at Hotel Sigiriya, 9-11 August, 2013, on " Maritime Trade and Cultural Exchanges in the Indian Ocean” under the patronage of CNRS-ENS, University of California at Berkeley and Department of Archaeology (Sri Lanka).
Co-organiser of the International symposium: “Gandhāran Studies: A Survey”, Tang Centre for Silk Road Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2-4 December 2021.
Co-organiser of the International colloquium Sacred texts and iconographies relating the life of the Buddha. Contradictions and confusions, 11 & 12 June, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des régions / HiSSAAR, University of Strasbourg. HiSSAAR, Univercity of Strasbourg.
Co-organiser of the International colloquium A Study of the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as protector of seafarers : Mahāyāna Buddhism in Sri Lanka in relation to maritime trade in the Indian Ocean,, June13, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie et anthropologie des régions / HiSSAAR, University of Strasbourg.
Organisation of Exhibitions
Co-organisation of the exhibition on “De l’Indus à l’Oxus. Archéologie de l’Asie Centrale” at the Musée Archéologique Henri-Prades, Lattes (Montpellier), from 15 April to 31 August 2003.
Co-organisation of the exhibition on “Sur les pas d’Alexandre”, at the Musée Archéologique Henri-Prades, Lattes (Montpellier), from 17 September to 15 November 2005.
Co-organisation of the exhibition on “Beyond Boundaries: Buddhist Art of Gandhara”, BAMFA, University of California, Berkeley, from April 30 to October 3, 2021.